Money. Theatre. Dance. Documentary. Dive into Nora’s personal experience in this new work inspired by the Norwegian classic Henrik Ibsen’s A Doll’s House. In this world where we are all Noras, we’re invited to question our own relationships with money, with personal finance, and with other people.
Laboratoire public : May 27 mai at 13 h and at 18 h at Premier Acte in Québec City
Direction and Text: Jenny Montgomery
Choreography: Esther Carré
Performance: Carmen Ferlan, Valérie Laroche and Marie Tan
Assistant Direction: Anne-Virginie Bérubé
Composition and Sound Design: Emilie Clepper
Sound Design: Yves Dubois
Sound Recording: François Leclerc and Yves Dubois
Lighting Design: Samy Girard
Excerpts from The Doll’s House: Henrik Ibsen, translated and adapted by Jenny Montgomery
Interview Excerpts: Noras, aged 8 to 92
*The presentation will be in French.